Thursday, September 11, 2008

17 games left and 3.5 game lead but this is 2008

Well the media will have a field day I’m sure if the Mets lose the first 2 of this series to the Braves. Right now we have 17 games to play. Sound familiar?
This is the point of the season where the media can’t seem to let 2007 go.

If they haven’t noticed this isn’t the same team. We are beating the teams we are supposed to beat. We also are beating the good teams like the Brewers. We are also hitting. Delgado,Beltran and after the last 2 nights Wright has joing the fray.

With a 3.5 game lead this team is striving to make last year a distant memory.
As Carlos Delgado has been quoted as saying “We are finding ways to win not finding ways to lose”

This 3.5 game lead with this 08 Met team will grow. It has too!

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