Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hey Jerry Manuel love yah but give Stokes and Ayala a rest.

Jerry has done a great job so far since taking over the Mets. He seems to get people motivated. Delgado is on fire. He worked with Wright and boom he is like Mr Home run now. One thing Id like to see him do his give his guys Stokes and Ayala some rest . The Mets have to play 17 games in 16 today before Saturdays double header and every game it Stokes and Ayala. Look I know why, they have done great .

Well you know the Braves are not the Phillies. Manuel has 18 arms in the bullpen? Give some guys a chance. I mean why bother having them on the roster if you dont at least give them a shot . Ayala is pitching almost every day. Stokes is pitching everyday. Brian Stokes deserves not to have his confidence blow up. How about using Al Reyes and Rincon a little more? Yes I know Reyes was let go but come on if you want him on the roster let him at least pitch against the Braves. You could tell after the first 2 batters that Ayala's fastball was at 90-91 not 94-95.

The Mets bullpen lost this game. Jerry Manuel gets the assist.

1 comment:

metsfan73 said...

What made me furious is that Joe Smih is pitching well, and is a ground ball pitcher. I would have stayed with him for the ninth.