Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mets beat Pesky Nats Delgado 2 more moon shots

Ollie Perez wasn't able to keep the Mets out front even though the Mets gave him leads of 2-0 and 5-2 and he was lifted after only 3 and 1/3 innings. The Nationals would take the lead at that point 7-5.

Well last year this might have been a game the Mets would lose. Not tonight.

The Mets kept coming back . Ryan Church hit a home run ,Carlos Beltran hit a 2 run shot to put the Mets ahead for good but Carlos Delgado had 2 home runs again which is the 7 time this year he has 2 homeruns in 1 game which ties a Met record set back in 1976 by Dave"Kong" Kingman

See Delgado's moon shots here

Of course there chants of MVP again tonight at Shea for Delgado. Every night he hits a home run its an important home run . No doubt even with his bad start he will be in the running for MVP this year.

The Mets go on to win 10-8 after the bullpen only allowed 1 run in the last 5 and 2/3 innings.
Brian Stokes and Luis Ayala were perfect in the last 2 innings.

The Marlins beat the Phillies 10-8 tonight so the Mets are up 2.5 with 18 to play.

1 comment:

metsfan73 said...

Was at the game last night, and for so few people, the chants of MVP shook the stadium.

His first HR was a real shot. Got the stadium rocking.

The HR Apple was probably as tired as the players after all the HR's hit last night!