Saturday, September 13, 2008

Some Wanted Memorabilia From Shea

In an earlier post by long island met fan,
Mets garage sale Get your Met pennant flag or Jose Reyes locker, there was a list of the items being sold from Shea Stadium.

Having been a patron of this stadium since June 1, 1975, believe it or not, there are only two things that would interest me. One I found, the other I didn't.

Let's start with the item I found...

Jerry Grote, Mounted Photo
Press Level
Diamond Club Lobby
Mounted Photo
$ 2,500.00
39.5 x 29.5

Granted, for only $2,500 to own a mounted picture of your childhood idol...Hey, I adored Grote, but sorry, $2,500 plus the cost of a good divorce lawyer just isn't quite worth it. Granted I would love to own one, but, as with ticket prices, it is too pricey for an average die hard fan.

The next thing which would be cool to mount in my basement, but I was unable to find for sale, is the ugly blue and orange panels that used to be on the outside of Shea. Any fans and viewers who were born after, or became fans of the Mets after tne mid 1980's might not know what I am talking about.

Shea Stadium used to have these ugly blue and orange tiles/panels on the outside of the stadium. It made Shea stick-out to say the least. Having a panel or panels like this (I would like one blue and one orange) would be a daily trip down memory lane.

I'm sure if there are any in existence, it might go for a mere small fee of aroun $150 per tile/panel.

Who knows? It sure would be cool to have one in my basement to go with my Mets wall hanging (1986), my enlarged framed photo of Jesse Orosco on the cover of Newsday, with No. 1 above his head (1986), and many other little trinkets that are in my house (not to mention consecutive yearbooks from 1974 - 2008).

Remember when being a fan never used to cost much, if anything?

I am looking forward to the opening of Gil Hodges Memorial Park, er, Citi Field. I must say, although Shea is a toilet, it is the only one I've ever known to house my team, and it will be missed in some disturbed way.

1 comment:

Long Island Met Fan said...

love to be able to buy a tile.