Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Willie’s Healing

Willie Randolph is slowly starting to come out of the “funk” he has been in since he was unceremoniously terminated by the Mets.

Randolph has had time to reflect. He says it was an honor to be at Yankee Stadium for the final weekend ceremonies. He slid into second base, and has his dirty Yankee uniform in his “memorabilia” room. He has also kept a Mets uniform.

What is helping Randolph’s pain subside is spending time with his young granddaughter, Savannah Rose. Randolph has spent time down in South Carolina visiting with his family.

He hopes to manage again someday, but until then, he is going to soak in his family, and spend time with Savannah Rose, who was born in August.

For more on the deposed Mets manager, read
Mets made Randolph a 'better man'


Long Island Met Fan said...

Im sure 2.5 million for a year to sit on his arse I'm sure will help his "healing" process

metsfan73 said...

I think $2.5M would make me feel a little better right now...