Friday, December 12, 2008

We wish the Best to Mr Endy Chavez more then just a crowd favorite.

Now that the dust has settled and we now see that one of the best defensive players the Mets had as been traded, I would like to take a moment to wish the best to the unsung hero of the Mets Endy Chavez.

This past week I have had a little window of time to actually watch some espn hot stove reports and some Mets hot stove reports and have constantly heard the downplaying of the role Mr Chavez has played on this team. Now some of this might be just to make the trade look better but to me if the Mets were trading Chavez and replaced him with Jeremy Reed to me I would have been just happy to keep him. Chavy was a gamer. He played hard.

Every time in the outfield when he played the SNY team would comment how the Mets had the best defensive outfield. How many times did Endy make a play that you just shook your head at knowing that he just saved a run or his throw back to the infield kept a runner at first or second. The guy played hard! Even though his bat was soft he always used his assets to the teams advantage.

I was combing some articles about Endy and here are some comments that Ramon Castro said about Endy

"Teammate and catcher Ramon Castro, who was playing for Puerto Rico four years ago in the Caribbean World Series, witnessed how the fans embraced Chavez. Castro said it's because Chavez always plays hard, is aggressive, and is one of those guys who" "likes to get dirty and dive, steal a base and everything."

Endy back in 06 made the catch of the NLCS which got alot of press but would have got more if Mets won that series.

This is a guy that Seattle now will embrace. We has fans know what type of player you were and wish you the best and of course thanks for the memories!

To read the full article about Endy over at ESPN click here

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