Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Making Of A Team

With Today's off day, General Manuel gave his troops a furlough. With the time off, the Mets decided to have a get-together, and go to the movies.

The Mets new set up man, who did his job admirably on Monday, said, "Movies. 'Fast and Furious,' 'Last House on the Left,' maybe a little lunch in between, dinner following. ... We'll go out to the theater. A whole group of guys are going to go."

I don't know how that might make you feel, but I think this is great. Putz, new to NY and the metropolitan area, is showing a great side – that of teammate and leader. Even though he's new to the team, Putz has seemed to adore his time with the Mets. I have stated frequently, this guy is going to be loved by not only the media, but the GHMP faithful.

Putz' comments might seem unimportant, but I have a different point of view. His comments and actions show camaraderie, teamwork, and togetherness. This is part of what it takes to make

Source: Brian Costa - The Star Ledger

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