Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What The Mets Need For 2010

The Mets have quite a few holes to fill this off-season, and as fans we have to understand that many of these needs will most likely not be properly addressed. This can be attributed to the dearth of talent, a poor economy, or the Mets annual delusions that they are better than they actually are.

One position that needs to be addressed this off-season is LF. If the Mets continue to trot out aging players (see Moises Alou and Gary Sheffield), inadequate players (see Angel Pagan), back up players forced into a starting role (see Fernando Tatis) and/or players playing out of position (see Daniel Murphy, Nick Evans, etc.) they are going to have another long season.

Obtaining a quality LF might not be as difficult as we think, but might take some creativity. There is a tremendous player, plays LF, and is due for an increase in salary. His club owns the option, and if they don’t tender him, he will be a free agent. This same club has let players go due to increased salaries, so if they pick up the option, they may look to trade this stud.

The player: Carl Crawford. The Team: Tampa Bay Rays

If Crawford becomes a free agent, then the Mets will have to open up the bank, but with the economic state that we are presently in, he might come cheaper than he would have a few years ago.

Crawford is still young, 28, is a good fielder, and hits well. He is a lifetime .295 hitter, hits around 15 HR’s annually, and has a lifetime .335 OBP. Not quite the power the Mets are looking for, but he hits well, and is a good fielder. Far better than what the Mets have been trotting out there the last three or four years.

If Tampa Bay decides to do a sign-and-trade with Crawford, do the Mets have the arsenal to trade for him? It would most likely cost, at minimum, Fernando Martinez, Daniel Murphy, and probably one or two of Bobby Parnell/Tobi Stoner/Brad Holt. Chances are it might cost more than that. There would be a great disparity in the dollars exchanged, but things like that are usually worked out rather easily. I don’t ever remember a trade not happening due to money. Crawford’s salary for 2010 is $10M club option, with a $1.25M buyout. He has the potential to earn up to $11.5M with escalators.

Crawford is worth a call. Put some feelers out. The big question will be what will it cost, and what are the Mets willing to give up? Should they deplete their minor league system more? Is Crawford worth it? He is a solid ball player, but the Mets must be careful not to destroy whatever future they might have when they are still many pieces away from being a championship caliber team. Personally, I would love to see Crawford patrolling LF. I just don’t want to give up too much to get him, especially since he will not be under contract for 2011. The Mets can try and make a deal like they did for Johan Santana, where the trade is contingent upon being able to negotiate a long term contract.

What do you think; is Crawford worth it? Should the Mets make the call to Tampa?

Sources: MLB Trade Rumors, Cots Baseball Contracts


Long Island Met Fan said...

i am sure there are feelers out for Crawford. Just not sure if the MEts have anything the Rays want. f Mart stock is way down. They might look for the Mets to unload Ike Davis which i would totally be against.

Nikki said...

I wrote about Crawford earlier this off season.. I like him a lot, and I think he's got some qualities the Mets are sorely lacking like hustle and grit. I'd love to see him in left field...

Jobu said...

go to toronto & get Doc Haliday