Mets fan who are a little bit older like me remember the mid 70's when the Mets couldnt hit there way out of a paper bag. They had the pitching but lacked hitting. The Mets at the time canned Yogi Berra mid '75 and gave the reigns to Joe Fraizer at the end of the '75 season to lead the Mets during the bicentenial year in 1976. Well the Mets former Manager passed away at 88 as reported by the NY Times.
Mets were not much to watch during the mid to late 70's. Fraizer didnt have much to work with when you had guys like Roy Staiger,Bruce Boisclair and Pepe Mangual. He did win 86 games that year with the help of Seaver, Kooz and Matlack. Honestly the highlights of '76 if you ask me was just the Mets promotions from banner day to helmet day etc. July 3rd that year was Met medallion day which they gave away a bicentenal medallion .I have it still somewhere. The Mets behind Tom Seaver won 3-2.
It was fun going to the game for like $7 - $8 bucks and sitting in the Mezzaine sections watching doubleheaders. Of course the Mets didnt do any better in '77 and Fraizer got canned and the Mets brought on another nameless Joe at the time. Mets player, manager Joe Torre.
All our best to his family.
Source - Ultimate Mets database
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