Monday, September 15, 2008

This Isn’t 2007!

Am I the only one out there that believes the media wants the Mets to miss the play-offs? Every single day we are reminded, not that we need to be, of the Great Collapse Of 2007.

Here is some news for those pessimists out there: THIS IS NOT 2007. In 2007, the Mets were among the worst, if not worst, teams in the month of September. This year, instead of hitters going into slumps, hitters are starting to break out. Carlos Beltran has been hitting real well, DWright is bustin’ out his Whoopin’ stick, and Jose…yes Jose, everyone’s whipping boy, is getting on base daily.

I am not saying the Mets are going to walk away with the division. Never did. I still do believe in this team, even though they scare the hell out of me at times, and anger me even more at others. That being said, anyone who believes, yes you Wallace Matthews and the other alleged journalists out there, that this team is remotely similar to last years team doesn’t know what you’re talking about.

I do have a few questions though:

Why is the Mets collapse so much more cataclysmic than the Yankee collapse to the Red Sox in ’04? After the SAWX won the World Series, the Yankee collapse seemed to be a dead issue. Why don't the Mets get the same, equal treatment?

Why must we read daily about last year? No one has forgotten, and that is good. I believe this team is using last year’s debacle to make themselves stronger this year. Last year’s team threw their gloves out on the field, and expected for their opponent to roll over and die. This year’s team has more spunk and fire.

No one gets more frustrated with unacceptable losses than I do. The Mets should have swept the Braves this weekend, but didn’t. Today is a new day! Let’s start it off slow; one game at a time, which starts against the Nationals tonight at 7:10 PM.

Instead of looking for excuses why we didn’t win, let’s start accepting responsibility for what we didn’t accomplish, so that we can move on. The Atlanta series is over. Now it’s time to take it to the Nats.

Lets Go Mets!

1 comment:

Long Island Met Fan said...

Lets go Martinez! Tonights game with Martinez does makes me a bit nervous.