Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yet Another 'Unbiased' Opinion From The Press

Here we go again...John Donovan of Sports Illustrated is already laying the Mets failure thus far this September at the feet of Jose Reyes. In his article, Daily Windup: Mets Need A Spark, he takes a shot at Reyes' slow start, comparing it to last year's swoon.

The big difference, as if Donovan actually understood, or watched baseball, is that although Jose isn't hitting well yet, he is showing signs. On the outs he is making, he is hitting the ball hard, but just at someone. He also is hitting some HR's. He cites that Reyes was 0-3 last night, which is true, but Donovan doesn't lay any blame on Wright 1-3, Beltran 0-3, and DelGado 0-3. The 3-4-5 hitters in the Mets line-up were 1-23 thus far in this series. The only hit being a first inning single by Wright, which meant nothing, other than the Mets wouldn't be no-hit.

What about all the runners Wright is leaving on base? How many times in the last month has Wright hit into a double play with RBI's screaming at him to have a key hit? What is unfair is how Wright is beyond reproach because he is a media darling, while Reyes is still looked at as the immature little brother. Some of that reputation is earned, but baseball is a team sport, and the Mets win and lose as a team. Yes, Reyes has had some bad nights, but what about Monday? It was Reyes who plated both RBI's in the 3-2 loss. The middle of the order took an oh-fer.

The Mets are concerning us fans, no doubt. But as I stated earlier in This Isn't 2007, this team rebounds well. Although they haven't played well over the last five or six games, they do rebound well.

Columnists and reporters are supposed to be objective. Reyes' slump this year is not like last year. Last year Reyes was striking out a lot, and popping the ball up, usually to the infield. This September's slump is different; he is still hitting the ball hard, only at someone. He is picking up runners on base, and has hit at least two HR's this month. He is showing signs of coming out of the slump.

There is enough blame to go around thus far this September; David Wright, Carlos DelGado, Ryan Church, Luis Castillo, Tatis (now injured) - along with Reyes, have gone into collective slumps.

Mr. Donovan, just report accurately, that's all we ask. Nothing more, nothing less.

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