Friday, April 10, 2009

Interesting Perspective on Mr Gary Sheffield.

With the Mets arriving in Florida to play the Marlins this weekend there will be some talk about the Mets new addition Gary Sheffield . Of course some it will revolve around the fact that he might start in right field sometime this weekend. Part of it might be just that he is back in a town where he played and won a championship.

Mr Murray Chass has scribed a fascinating article on Sheffield . His take on the veteran player is more to shed light on the good side of Mr Sheffield. Why who knows. I mean in this day and age most papers love to spend there time bad mouthing players so I think its refreshing to see the other side.

In the article which you can read
here Mr Chass quotes Braves former GM John Schuerholz who had the outfielder on his Braves team for 2 years. “I wanted to have a direct conversation about his demeanor and behavior and being part of the team and understanding our rules. We have these expectations . He gave us his word, said he understood and would live up to those expectations. And he did. Everything he did while wearing our uniform was right in line with how we ask our players to act professionally We had no problems at all having him in uniform and being part of our organization.”

With Sheffield playing in New York possibly for the last team he might play for in his career lets hope that the writers here can write about his bat more then his demeanor.

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