Sunday, April 12, 2009

Luis Castillo's big day.

I still do not get the fact that Luis Castillo needs to be told to be agressive. I mean doesnt he realize that while he watches strike 3 whizz by him when there are men on base? Does Castillo somehow forget the game that he is playing? Honestly I did not follow him when he was on the Marlins when he excelled, but to have to be told to be agressive is like having someone hold you hand when your making your way up to a buffet table. It should not be so foreign.

So the Mets 2nd baseman spent time before the game yesterday taking extra swings with Howard Johnson and Jerry Manuel in his ear.

“It’s huge,” Johnson said. “He’s struggling mentally. Luis, it’s not the fact that he’s lost anything, ability. I think he just doubts himself and after last season it’s easy for him to get down on himself and to think the worst.

“What we’re going to try to do is try and stay in his ear constantly. "

Castillo commented "I know I think too much, get frustrated sometimes."

Well Castillo last night pounded out 4 hits and was robbed of his 5th hit from the scoring table.

What he did should not fall out of his head. He is a major league ball player. Do not expect it to work every day but take something for it so HoJo does not have to hold your hand again!

I am glad the guy had a good game . The Mets need life out of the bottom of the order since Schneider has been virtually non exsistent. Maybe Castillo can draw on last night instead of dwelling on 2008. I am sure it is not easy. If Mets fans can Castillo should find a way.

Source: Amazing Stories

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