Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mets 2009 Predictions. World Series? 1986 revisted. Hangs on 3 starters

Well since the season now is going to get into full swing I thought it would be a good time to forecast what the Mets will be doing come October. We here are not really big on predicted what will go on with this team . I think there are way too many variables. Injuries are really tough to predict for 1 thing. Plus having a good team on paper usually does not mean anything. Look at last years Tigers to prove that point.

The Mets took care of there bullpen woes over the course of the off season. They blew 27 games last year and honestly if they had only blow 26 they would have made the playoffs for at least a 1 game playoff. If the Mets had only 16 blown saves they would have won 100. If is a big word and it can be used on some varibables this year for the Mets.

IF 3 of the starters have decent years, that being Big Pelf, Ollie Perez and John Maine the Mets could cruise into the playoffs. Now more then likely one of these guys will have some sort of trouble . I would like to Pelf build on last year and Ollie find himself sometime this year. Ollie having Johan around will help him. His last start at Citi Field I think he will over come. If you look around in the last 2 days many good starters had a bad first outing. So I think its plausible to say we will see Ollie get his command back.

The Mets bench with the addition of Sheffield is a better bench then last year when we had to have 3 catchers on the roster at times. Sheffield could be the home run pop the Mets need off the bench IF he plays nice with others.

Will Delgado duplicate last year? Will Beltran and Wright have good years? What type of year will Church have? We are going to find out finally !

Mets will make the make playoffs and so will the Dodgers,Cubs, Phillies. The Marlins could be trouble this year with there pitching staff. I see the Mets will beat the Cubs in the LCS and play the Red Sox in October! What is your take?

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