Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What A Difference A Year Makes!

It was been obvious that Johan Santana has been much more relaxed, and appears to feel much more 'at home' this season with the Mets.

After a solid outing on opening day Monday, when he left the field, he had his personal 'handshakes' with teammates.

Now, Jose Reyes he's not, but it is fun to watch Johan having fun with his teammates, which is important to a team's success (Read Here) .

To check out Santana's hand shakes, see below. My two favorite is with Carlos DelGado and Jose Reyes. Reyes seems to think that Santana has a long way to go to get into the league Reyes is in, and I like the 'deflating balloon' act with DelGado.

If this team can stay this together throughout the dog days of summer, they might be a team to be reckoned with.

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