Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mets are lucky they start against the Reds

The Mets find a way to win last night basicall by holding on to dear life in a 9-7 victory that was anything but pretty. Every Met pitcher did not have his stuff last night. Pelfrey found a way to hold on for 5 innings after getting shellacked in the first inning. Feliciano was awful, Green's first batter he faced launched a shot against the outfield wall, Putz gave up a run and K Rod made all Mets fans heart stop beating in the 9th inning.

The Mets lucked out with who was there opponent on this night. Mental lapses in the field by Delgado and Reyes could have hurt the Mets. The Reds helped by missing a easy double play ball that would have gave them 2 outs instead the Mets wound up scoring. The Mets better right there ship before they head to Florida who seem to be playing on all cylinders. Of course they only played the Nationals.

Of course the Mets probably would have lost this game last year so at least K Rod finished the job last night.

1 comment:

metsfan73 said...

What would have happened if it was Mel Rojas, Armando Benitez,or Luis Ayala on the mound last night? It was ugly, but I believe a year ago we lose that game.

Big Pelf started off poorly in the first, but he settled down well, and actually pitched a good game.Can he lick his hands any more? Boy, it was like his fingers were an ice pop the way he was working them over last night.