Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well Wishes For Former Met

Former Met, Scott Schoeneweis, has been placed on the disable list for depression stemming from the sudden death of his wife, Gabrielle.

As we have reported Here , Schoeneweis' wife Gabrielle was found dead by their 14 year old child, and Scott has been fighting with the courts to keep his wife's autopsy results sealed ( Read Here).

Although Schoeneweis was never one of my favorite Mets relief pitchers, I always respected him as a person, and always respected that his teammates loved the guy.

When we look at our own lives, and might feel we've had a rough go of it, just remember when you go to sleep tonight to kiss your wife and children goodnight, because there are those who are worse off, and don't have that luxury. Just ask Scott Schoeneweis, whose wife Gabrielle was only 39.

As stated in our earlier posts, our thoughts and prayers go to Scott and his family, and wishing he is able to deal with his issues and return to the Diamondbacks soon.

Source: Bart Hubbuch - NY Post - via Twitter

1 comment:

Long Island Met Fan said...

i know he has a good reason to feel that way but watching the mets can be pretty depressing in its own right.