Thursday, October 1, 2009

Words from the Wilpons cut prices for 2010 and large payroll

In a email sent to Season ticket holders the Wilpons are now on record for 2 expectations in 2010

One will be the cutting of season ticket prices by at least 10% .

Also that the Mets are committed to making the changes to make the Mets a team to be reckoned with. The quotes are below.

Everyone at the Mets -- our Ownership, General Manager Omar Minaya, Manager Jerry Manuel, the coaches, players, front office and staff -- shares your disappointment with the 2009 season. We are also determined to get the organization and the team to where you -- and we -- want to be: a championship caliber team in 2010.

You soon will hear from Ownership and Omar about how we plan to improve the ball club through a combination of player signings, trades, enhanced player development and continued commitment to one of the highest player payrolls in Major League Baseball.

Of course the Mets had the highest National league payroll in 2009. What will happen in 2010 remains to be since but the Wilpons reading what has been said about the Madoff scandal are trying to put certain rumors to bed.

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