Friday, January 15, 2010

Beltran & Kneegate - Omar knew about surgery

Oh the Drama . Ricco comes out to reporters and says the Mets were mulling options while Beltran was going under the knife. Now in a Newsday article from Jim Baumbach there are quotes from Beltran that said Omar knew about the surgery read below .

"I also spoke to Omar Minaya about the surgery on Tuesday," Beltran said in a statement released by agent Scott Boras' office. "He did not ask me to wait or to get another doctor's opinion. He just wished me well. No one from the team raised any issue until Wednesday, after I was already in surgery. I do not know what else I could have done "

The Mets made no comment about Beltran's latest remarks. This team is a joke sometimes. They cant even get there stories straight. How can you function this way? Plus why would they want Beltran to wait to get surgery? He is a star player and all they ever seem to do is want to give there stars cortisone shots. On MLB last night's hot stove Heyman mention that Beltran got a shot in Dec. then was told to rest when Beltran came back for a doctor visit. Hello if your giving the guy a cortisone shot in the off season doesnt that tell you something?

Beltran is a star on this team and he has the right to be PO'd because this team has no idea how to communicate within its own organization. Unbelievable.

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