Thursday, January 14, 2010

Heyman On Mets Beltran

This morning on WFAN's Boomer & Carton show, Jon Heyman was a guest. Heyman offered these tid-bits:
  • Mets did not approve the surgery Beltran had. The Mets were aware of Beltran's discomfort, but they did not recommend the surgery and there is a good chance they didn't find out about the surgery until it was under-way.
  • Beltran was doing well, but when up "stepped up" his workouts, the pain was back, and he started having problems.
  • There are questions whether Beltran had microfracture surgery. Heyman said he hasn't heard that from any "credible source."
  • The Mets might be talking to people as to what recourse they have in recapturing some of Beltran's salary that has been lost due to his injury. There is no chance they will be able to (or want to) void Beltran's contract
  • Heyman says Beltran has lost faith in the Mets medical staff, and that is why he chose his own doctor to have surgery.

As stated by Long Island Me
t Fan, Beltran will be out between 8 and 12 weeks, which should make it sometime in late April or May before we see Beltran patrolling CF.


Long Island Met Fan said...

i heard that Beltran was using Alcheck the Mets dr through December but after that he went to use his own dr and the Mets were monitoring the progress. I mean it doesnt matter what matters is he wont be there opening day!!!

metsfan73 said...

As far as I'm concerned, it's his body and his life, he is entitled to get relief. My problem is this should have been done last July, or October at the latest.

Jobu said...

73 is correct. Now Beltran is done. We need to find a CF for this & next year. This cluster "f" means that Beltran won't re sign after 2011. Trade him and get on with it.