Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Phiggy Goes Philly

My worst fears are now realized. Not only should Nelson Figueroa (Phigeuroa?) have been on the 2010 roster, but he should never have gone anywhere else.

Jeffy, Omar, and Jerry once again astounds us fans by not only cutting him, but it also opened up the door for not only another team to claim him, but a divisional rival to claim him.

That has just happened. According to MLBTR, Phiggy is now a Phillie.

Am I the only one that believes beyond any shadow of a doubt that this will come back to haunt the Mets? Can you imagine if the Mets have a story book year, and they are facing Philadelphia at the end of the season with their play-off hopes hanging in the balance, when Figgy faces his old mates, and drives the final nail in the coffin thus putting an end to their season?

Am I allowed to wish Figueroa all the best while hoping his new team only wins 35 games?

What do you think Mets fans? Will this signing by Philadelphia haunt the Mets? Check out our new poll...

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