Mets are offering opening day tickets without having to buy other games. That used to be part of a opening game pack . Well I am sure you can still get the pack but if you want to get tickets to opening day you can now get them. Of course now with the Mets dynamic pricing they seem to be almost in line with what is available at stub hub and the normal ticket outlets except for 1 major difference. Those ridiculous fees. Each ticket has a $7.25 fee and then a the total order has a $6.00 processing fee. So 2 tickets for $55.00 in the promenade cost not $110 but $130. Ridiculous. These fees are just money makers for the team. In this day and age with everything being purchased via the net and less people interaction these fees should be non existent.
I know opening day is a big deal but really not sure the product matches what it costs to go but the Mets have to make up the difference somehow so the Wilpon’s can pay off their debts. Looking at game 2 of the season those same tickets are going for 20.00 a piece. More realistic.. It could be your opening day and still have some $ in your pocket.
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