Monday, September 15, 2008

Mets lead down to 1/2 game lose to Nationals 7-2

Pedro Martinez did his best to keep the Mets close. He almost escaped with only giving up 2 runs. Until the Nationals best hitter came up and got a big 2 out hit with runners on second and third. The best hitter tonight was no other then of course New Met killer ANDERSON HERNANDEZ. Please I can't take it anymore. Oh we can't forget Duaner Sanchez who came in to get 1 out with the bases empty and wound up giving up a 3 run home run to ELijah Dukes to put the game out of reach. The Mets could only score 1 run against John Lannon.

The only good thing for the Mets tonight was the fact that Bobby Parnell got a chance to pitch 1 inning and retired 3 Nationals in order.

David Wright came up in the top of the 8th with the based loaded and 1 out and the Mets were 1 pitch from getting back into the game but he grounded into a double play.

Mets lead is down to 1/2 game. The Mets have lost 3 of there last 4 going into Tuesday nights contest.

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