Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Batting Lead-Off...Luis Castillo?????

As reported by David Lennon - Newsday today, if the Mets don’t rid themselves of Luis Castillo, whom they are actively shopping, they might replace Jose Reyes in the leadoff spot with Castillo.

Castillo’s lifetime On Base Percentage is slightly better than Reyes; Castillo .367 – Reyes .336.

Reyes is the Mets leadoff man, and they should leave well enough alone. I know all the Sabremetricians out there will quote that Castillo is a better lead-off hitter on an odd day in an even month during the
Coriolis Effect while having gas, but those of us who watch the game and not the box scores know Reyes batting lead-off is best for this team.

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