Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How The Mets Might Inspire EIght Years Later

Andy Bull - guardian.co.uk had a nice article describing how important baseball, especially the NY Mets were to the healing of the US after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
He would like the Indian cricket team to utilizes their popularity the same way to help in the healing of the people of India.

As Americans, we take a lot for granted, and I think we forget how we all felt seven years ago when our lives were forever changed. How many of us Met fans will forget the Shea opener after the attacks? That homerun by Mike Piazza many feel might be the greatest homerun in Mets history. Greater than Ray Knight's in game seven of the 1986 World Series, greater than Robin Ventura's Grand Slam Single, greater than Todd Pratt's HR against Arizona, Al Weis' HR's in 1969, etc.

Bull compares the attacks of Mumbai to those against the US in 2001, and touches how Major League Baseball played a huge role in helping people to heal and move on from the tragic day. He would like cricket to be the same sort of salve for the wounds of the Indian nation.

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