Monday, April 6, 2009

Luis Castillo leads Johan Santana in extra base hits

Castillo could have been a bit more aggressive in his earlier at bats in today's game. He had the opportunity to plate a run with 1 out and a man on second. This is one of the points that Jerry Manuel had discussed with Castillo in spring training to be more aggressive. SO Castillo looks at a ball that could have been called a strike. Then on the very next pitch he watched strike 3 sail by.

Castillo did have a cheap double that went over the Reds outfielders glove and did score the 2nd run of the game. He leads Johan Santana in extra base hits 1-0. Check out our pole and vote for who you think might have more extra base hits at the end of the year which is located 1/2 way down the page on the right.

Right now Luis has a slight lead over Johan and Brian Schneider brings up the rear.

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