Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Mets Remember Shea

Having had the pleasure of visiting the new digs of the Mets twice this past weekend, two negatives come to mind:

The sight lines down both the first base and third base lines are terrible from the hight seating levels. The second problem I have, along with many, is that there is very little 'Mets' to the stadium. With all the useless shops they have, why can't the space be used for the Mets Hall Of Fame? That, as a fan, is something I would truly enjoy.

Other than that, the new home is a nice ball park.

Having a huge interest in history, I have always been bothered by this organization lack of respect for their own history; Fred Wilpon shows more interest in the history of the Brooklyn Dodgers than the team he owns.

Hopefully, that all is changing:

In the GHMP parking lot, the Mets will mark the locations of Shea’s home plate, bases and pitching rubber with bronze plaques.

Marisa Berman, executive director of the Queens Historical Society: “Fans can find comfort knowing they will have a permanent reminder of the Shea they remember.”

Former Met, and the pitcher to earn the first Mets win, Jay Hook (click here), said, “You wanna keep some of the icons for the remembrance”

Other items of interest are markers for home plate, the pitching rubber and second base will appear in traffic lanes, while first and third will be denoted in specific parking spots.

Wouldn't it be cool to have a parking spot where the ball went through Bill Buckner's legs in game six of the 1986 World Series?

Or the location where Cleon Jones caught the fly ball hit by Baltimore's Davey Johnson to end the '69 Series?

Maybe the spot Where Todd Pratt hit that series ending HR against Arizona?

The possibilities are limitless. Let's hope the Mets will take the mementos they will put in the parking lot, and use that same ingenuity in creating the same sort of museum feel in their ball park.

Source: Nicholas Hirshon - NY Daily News

1 comment:

DyHrdMET said...

Amen. I was one of those who wrote about the lack of Mets at the new ballpark (we'll call it "Chez Amazin'", or "Chez" for short. My hope is that a lot of it is either in place by Monday or part of the festivities on Monday night.

I keep thinking that some day, someone who (maybe recently) grew up as a Mets fan going to Shea Stadium, at some point in the future has the means to build a new big league stadium that resembles our beloved Shea. It may be some place like Miami, Toronto, Tokyo, or Aruba, off in the very far future, but it could get built. And if they will build it, and we will come.