Thursday, September 17, 2009

Writing on the wall for Parnell. He needs to go back to the pen.

He had flashes of brilliance and even last night there were times that you thought that Parnell actually understood what to do. There was a sequence of pitches against the Braves catcher Brian McCann where Parnell actually had him swinging over the ball for a strikeout. I was like Yes . Of course this was lost in the rest of the pitching mess he had in 3 innings.

Mex during the broadcast said that he spoke to Don Sutton and he thought the Mets have lightning in a bottle with Parnell. The problem lies the Mets cant harness it. Of course if Parnell was on the Cardinals Dave Duncan would work his magic.

At this point too me even with the season lost Parnell needs to go back to the bullpen. He needs to learn another pitch and learn how to be a pitcher not a fireballer.

Of course Mr on the Fence had this to say about Parnell. "I think for me the jury is still out on that question," Manuel said. "I've seen glimpses of what I think can be a solid starter and I've seen glimpses of what I think can be a tremendous setup man.'' As per Newsday.

The kid did what he was asked and hopefully for him he can learn from it if the Mets send him to the Arizona fall league.

***********6pm Jerry in his pregame news confernce is now saying Parnell is heading to the bullpen************** No one better get hurt

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