Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Omar Minaya is he just overmatched?

First off I like Omar as a person. He seems to be the kind of guy you can just chat about baseball for ours. His personality seems to get lost in the media crunch of NY. When was with the Expos he was able to make gold out of dirt for that now defunct franchise. His obvious ability there helped him land the job with the Mets.

In this past off season most Mets fans wanted to see the Mets get a closer and he essentially got 2 closers even if Putz was basically a lemon. He delivered what the Mets fans wanted. The ability to put teams away with K Rod and I think going into this year Mets fans who always want more but I am sure were happy with what the Mets accomplished until the season started which you cant blame Omar for.

What I do blame Omar for is allowing Jerry to make such minor changes to his staff. As Jeff as said the least years this is unacceptable. Warthen should have been dumped and Shines should not be allowed to be Manuel bench coach. I also think if you are a leader you need the ability to convey yourself and not always fall over your words. It doesn’t give Mets fans confidence when you don’t seem to hold your own with a guy like Mike Francessa who doesn’t even like the Mets.

Omar this is NY and subtle changes are not going to cut it this off-season. You have a lot of work to do and I hope you are up to the challenge and have Mets fans looking forward to 2010 not 2011

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