Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mets start Manager hunt with Interviews of Jauss and Melvin

Bob Melvin seemed to be on alot of people's lips as a potential candidate for the Mets manager. Now that he was not offered the position in Milwaukee  it looks like he will be one of the first interviews for GM Sandy Alderson.  The other itnerviewee will be former Bench Coach Dave Jauss. 

Now if you ask me Jauss seems to be like a token interview . My partner in crime Metsfan73 mentioned to me just a few short weeks ago that Jauss is one of his dark horses and in a text he just mentioned that Alderson is leaving no stone unturned.  I dont see Jauss as the fiery manager that Alderson has spoken about in his presser when he was hired as GM last Friday. 

Melvin seems to be a  possibility since he kind of fits Alderson M-O as a guy who would do what it takes to get the philosophy that is being set put in tyo action over the Mets 25 man roster. He did have stints with the Mariners and the D Backs before he was canned.

The Mets will have more in  house interviews coming Friday and over the weekend with Backman and my internal guy that I think would be a good manager Chip Hale who will be interviewed by Alderson on the West Coast .

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