Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mets plan to skip celebration for '86 Team

There are some rumblings going around that the Mets are not having a large scale 25th anniversary for the 86 World Series championship team as per Adam Rubin.

The Mets with new people running the show want to put there own stamp on the Mets. So this way its not just the Wilpons who will be clueless it will be Alderson and his dream team.

I am really not sure besides maybe the cost of getting everyone together that the Mets would want to again just show there fans how classless they can be. Now I agree the actual celebration before a game can be pretty lame but I still remember when they had the guys come through the fans and high 5 the fans as they made it out to the field for the 20th anniversary . That was pretty great and even Darling mentioned it on a broadcast.

Mets might want to put a new stamp on this team but skipping a celebration for the 86 team is not how to do it. If the Mets want fans out there during the mid summer and not empty stands, celebrating the 86 team would be a sure sell out.

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