Thursday, December 27, 2012

You Know Our Existence As Fans Is Doomed When…

...The biggest news from Metsland, other than the Dickster trade, is that the Mets, as well as every other team in Major League Baseball, have a new batting practice cap.

If you’re like me, you’re so excited for the 2013 season to start, so much that you will go to the ballpark early to see the Mets wear their sharp new caps with…MR MET ON IT.

Are you kidding me? I know it’s been a long time since I’ve scribed, due to a frustrating off-season and a busy life, but when I read (and saw) the ESPN Uni Watch article where the Mets (and others) revealed a new BP cap, I was ready to scream.

I understand clubs, and especially the Mets, need to create a stir during a mundane off-season, but this is lunacy. Professional sports franchises are worse than a 16 year old girl going clothes shopping. The numerous times teams change logos, colors, uniforms, etc is enough to make me spew.

The beauty of sports, especially baseball, is tradition. Granted, in the grand scheme of things the Mets history is rather short (52 years), but their history is something special. As we all know after the NL lost both MLB franchises to the west coast in 1958, the Payson family along with William Shea developed the NY Mets, whose uniform colors were blue (Brooklyn Dodgers) and orange (NY Giants). It had meaning. There was history to it.

Then in the 1990’s, the Mets decided what was popular was what was important, not the history. So, some genius decided they should go to a black uniform with black caps. Not only was the idea stupid, but the uniforms were beyond ugly, and served no purpose except for bean counters and marketing folks.

It seems like the Mets have had as many uniforms as they have had third basemen. No need. Their colors are blue and orange, and for good and historical reasons. Don’t change that.

I know Elvis has no connection with Mets fans nor Mets history, but the franchise should. You want to make your uniform popular? Then put a winning product on the field; jersey’s, caps, and tee shirts will fly out of the store.

It’s simple really: home whites, road grays. The cap is blue, the brim is blue, and the squatchee is orange.

Note to Elvis and the Wilpon’s: leave the uniform(s) alone. Take that energy and work on putting a watchable product on the field. Then watch your team paraphernalia fly out of stores.

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